Cell Packing Structures - Overview Article.
H. Pottmann, C. Jiang, M. Höbinger, J. Wang, P Bompas, J. Wallner
Computer-Aided design 60/2015
Architectural Geometry - Overview Article.
H. Pottmann, M. Eigensatz, A. Vaxman, J. Wallner
Computers and Graphics 47/2015
Planar Panelization with Extreme Repetition.
M. Huard, M. Eigensatz, P. Bompas
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2014 (Proceedings).
Geometric Multi-Covering.
R. Strauss, F. Isvoranu, G. Elber
CAD / Graphics, 2013 (Proceedings).
Large scale double curved glass facades made feasible - The Arena Corinthians West Facade.
A. Schiftner, M. Eigensatz, M. Kilian, G. Chinzi.
Glass Performance Days Finland, 2013 (Proceedings).
Ruled Free Forms.
S. Flöry, Y. Nagai, F. Isvoranu, H. Pottmann, J Wallner.
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2012 (Proceedings).
Architectural Caustics — Controlling Light with Geometry.
T. Kiser, M. Eigensatz, M. Nguyen, P. Bompas, M. Pauly.
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2012 (Proceedings).
Architectural Geometry from Research to Practice: The Eiffel Tower Pavilions.
A. Schiftner, N. Leduc, P. Bompas, N. Baldassini, M. Eigensatz.
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2012 (Proceedings).
Design of Self-supporting Surfaces.
E. Vouga, M. Höbinger, J. Wallner, H. Pottmann.
ACM Trans. Graphics 31 , Proc. SIGGRAPH (2012).
Paneling the Eiffel Tower Pavilions.
M. Eigensatz, A. Schiftner.
Intelligent Glass Solutions Magazine, Issue 4, 2011.
Case Studies in Optimization of Glass-panelized Architectural Freeform Designs.
M. Eigensatz, A. Schiftner.
Glass Performance Days Finland, 2011 (Proceedings).
Circular Arc Structures.
P. Bo, H. Pottmann, M. Kilian, W. Wang, J. Wallner.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 30, #101, Proc. SIGGRAPH (2011).
Case Studies in Cost-Optimized Paneling of Architectural Freeform Surfaces.
M. Eigensatz, M. Deuss, A. Schiftner, M. Kilian, N. J. Mitra, H. Pottmann, M. Pauly.
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010 (Proceedings).
Tiling Freeform Shapes With Straight Panels: Algorithmic Methods.
J. Wallner, A. Schiftner, M. Kilian, S. Flöry, M. Höbinger, B. Deng, Q. Huang, H. Pottmann.
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010 (Proceedings).
Statics-Sensitive Layout of Planar Quadrilateral Meshes.
A. Schiftner, J. Balzer.
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010 (Proceedings).
Ruled Surfaces for Rationalization and Design in Architecture.
S. Flöry, H. Pottmann.
Proc. ACADIA (2010), 103-109.
Designing Quad-dominant Meshes with Planar Faces.
M. Zadravec, A. Schiftner, J. Wallner.
Computer Graphics Forum 29/5 (2010), 1671-1679, Proc. Symp. Geometry Processing.
Paneling Architectural Freeform Surfaces.
M. Eigensatz, M. Kilian, A. Schiftner, N. Mitra, H. Pottmann, M. Pauly.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 29/4, #45, Proc. SIGGRAPH (2010).
Geodesic Patterns.
H. Pottmann, Q. Huang, B. Deng, A. Schiftner, M. Kilian, L. Guibas, J. Wallner.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 29/3, #43, Proc. SIGGRAPH (2010).
Packing circles and spheres on surfaces.
A. Schiftner, M. Höbinger, J. Wallner, H. Pottmann.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 28/5, Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia (2009).
Freeform surfaces from single curved panels.
H. Pottmann, A. Schiftner, P. Bo, H. Schmiedhofer, W. Wang, N. Baldassini, and J. Wallner.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 27/3, Proc. SIGGRAPH (2008).
Curved folding.
M. Kilian, S. Flöry, Z. Chen, N. J. Mitra, A. Sheffer and H. Pottmann.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 27/3, Proc. SIGGRAPH (2008).
Geometry of architectural freeform structures.
H. Pottmann, A. Schiftner, and J. Wallner
Int. Math. Nachr., Nr. 209/2008.
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2008 (Proceedings).
H. Pottmann, M. Hofer and A. Kilian (Ed.)
Vienna University of Technology, 2008.
Architectural freeform structures from single curved panels.
A. Schiftner, N. Baldassini, P. Bo, H. Pottmann.
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2008 (Proceedings).